Tips to keep Business safe from Cybercrime | Antivirus Software
In the past few weeks, there have been reports of a variant of ransomware called "WannaCry" infecting Windows computers and found in around 70 countries.
Ransomware - a well-known form of malware - ruthlessly takes a computer's data hostage by encrypting it. If the user does not pay the cybercriminals a certain amount of money within a certain period of time, their data will be lost forever.
In this particular case, WannaCry is demanding a ransom of $ 300 from users - payable in Bitcoin. If the user does not pay the ransom within three days, the amount is doubled.
Security researchers quickly recognized the threat and made attempts to contain the infection rate. However, this malware not only spreads independently at high speed, but it also changes rapidly in order to bypass all attempts to contain the threat. According to Europol, more than 200,000 users in 150 countries have been affected by malware in the short period since its initial discovery.
The ransomware continues to be very active on the internet and you should act immediately to avoid becoming one of its next victims. Be sure to use Total security software and make sure it is updated to protect you from the latest detected versions of this ransomware.
In addition, you should back up your hard drive as soon as you are certain that your computer is not infected. After the backup is complete, disconnect your hard drive from your computer and keep it in a safe place.
Symantec Security researchers have been collecting large numbers of new samples since May 14, and are currently working to identify the newly emerged versions of this malware.
The very first action that you should take is to update your computer's operating system. Patches are published for this special variant of malware.
To help prevent ransomware attacks as long as possible, follow these ransomware tips for businesses and private users:
New ransomware variants appear regularly on the scene. You should therefore always keep your Total security software up to date to protect yourself against it.
Always install the latest updates for your operating system and other software. Software updates often contain patches for newly discovered vulnerabilities that could be exploited by ransomware attackers.
Email is one of the most common methods of infection. Be suspicious of any unexpected emails, especially if they contain links and/or attachments.
Be especially suspicious if you receive an attachment in a Microsoft Office email and are asked to enable macros to view its contents. Unless you are absolutely certain that it is a real e-mail from a trustworthy sender, under no circumstances should you enable macros and instead delete the e-mail immediately.
Backing up important data is by far the most effective way to fight ransomware infections. Attackers take control of their victims by encrypting valuable files so that they can no longer be accessed. However, if those affected have backup copies, they can restore their files once the infection is cleared. However, organizations should ensure that backups are adequately protected or kept off-site so that attackers cannot delete them.
Using cloud services can help mitigate ransomware infections as many of them keep previous versions of files. In this case, you can restore an unencrypted version of a file.
Here are some other helpful tips from Kevin Haley, Director, Symantec Security Response.
Ransomware is an online form of bullying in the school playground, in which the perpetrator steals things from the person concerned. In this case, the perpetrator breaks into your computer and takes your personal files: documents, photos, financial information - all the things that are important to you. The files are still on your computer - right in front of your nose - but they are now encrypted and therefore worthless to you. In order for them to be decrypted again, you have to pay the perpetrator between 300 and 500 US dollars.
This is the fastest-growing form of cybercrime. The growth rate in 2014 was 4,500% and there are no signs of a weakening of the trend - it is simply too profitable for the perpetrators. How do you stop these perpetrators? There are five actions that can make a huge difference.
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